What Price Liberty?

August 12, 2006

We must identify the enemy of Liberty and then we can determine What Price Liberty?

The Enemy:

Terrorists like Hezbollah who are against separation of Church (Mosque/Temple) and State.

Hezbollah is a militia group banned in Canada.

Hezbollah preaches:

“Death to Infidels”

“We are all Hezbollah”

“Islam Will Dominate the World”


Terrorists are fascists. Western Nations must take their statements, threats and actions seriously. Terrorists = Not our friends!

Click onto SNOPES website at: http://www.snopes.com/photos/politics/muslimprotest.asp         to get an idea of why we in the West should be paying attention.

The Leaders and citizens of Western democratic nations must now realize the war against Israel [a democracy] being waged by Hezbollah [a terrorist militia group] is not only against Israel. It is also against every Western Democracy and against Western Civilization. It even has a name: Islamofascism

On August 10th 2006 Muslim terrorists projected their concept of “Islam: Religion of Peace” by plotting to simultaneously blow up as many as 10 jets leaving Britain for the U.S. According to BBC the main suspects involved in the plot were British-born, ie: home-grown Muslim terrorists! CNN said there are apparent links to Pakistan. Are you surprised?

Ever wonder why fanatical Muslim terrorists never show their faces, tightly wrapping scarves around to totally hide them? Hmmm! Could it be they don’t want to be recognized? Or could it be they are cowards?

What Price Liberty?

* Canadian soldiers dying in Afghanistan

* American soldiers dying in Iraq

* Israeli soldiers dying, defending the only Western democracy in the Middle East

* Western Civilization held hostage by the United Nations whose Islamic member countries vote en bloc against democracies

TIME TO SUPPORT the soldiers of Western nations; if the battle is lost, do you want to live under Sharia law? Provided your head isn’t chopped off, that is.

Tell me, what is with the European Union? Are they not interested in protecting the values of Democracy? Liberty? Freedom? Western Civilization?

Right now, EU appeases Hezbollah – and admonishes the only democratic nation in the Middle East. Are they blind?  Can’t they see Hezbollah uses women and children as human shields?   EU perhaps believe Hezbollah are freedom fighers who, if victorious, will thank EU member nations with oil for their support.
Sadly, numerous people of the Province of the Province of Quebec, Canada where I live apparently are doing that too. Can you imagine your democratically elected officials marching in a demonstration where Hezbollah flags were flying? In Canada? Where Hezbolla is illegal? That happened in Montreal on Sunday, August 6th 2006.

Why the Montreal police did not arrest demonstrators carrying Hezbollah flags is a question many Canadians would like answered.

These politicians and demonstrators grievously insulted Canadian Forces who are fighting and dying for liberty and democracy in Afghanistan to see news reels showing Canadian citizens marching with Hezbollah supportors! It is an attack on our Freedoms and Rights – and disrespectful to Canadians who fought in World War II against Nazi Fascism.

What Price Liberty?
In Canada, the price of Liberty is Canadian Forces soldiers injured, maimed, and killed – fighting for Freedom.


Hello world!

June 28, 2006

Coventina [me] likes to comment on various topics. I love animals and children; always willing to fight to protect/care for them.

Born under the sign Aquarius I chose Coventina because it means “water goddess” and is a Celtic female cat name.

That is all for now…